November 16, 2015

Golden Fall - Monday Post

Last weekend  on Saturday I got up really early an drove for one hour south... nothing unusual from my wedding routine, but geuss what? It was not a wedding saturday... and with all this incredible golden, mild goodness of this years fall I can get pretty grumpy when I am not able to take pictures around the best hours of the day... you know it being a satuday and a gourgeous one and all...

Therefore I decided to take my little baby (my camera, to avoid confusions) to the Christ crusade meeting from all of southwest Germany. Well... here is what happened. I asked Martin if he would like to sneak out for a mini break and shoot in the little wilderness behind the house. 

Let me just say... there was a lot of gold, in the leaves, in the air and in the hair.
Come along and see it for yourself.

November 12, 2015

Workshop - Grundlagen der Fotografie

Liebe Freunde,

endlich ist es so weit. Die letzte Hochzeit des Herbstes ist bearbeitet. Zur Feier der 25 Hochzeiten die ich fotografieren durfte und der 30 die ich bearbeitet hab (für zwei weitere Fotografen) gab es zunächst eine extra Portion Tandooro Chicken mit Nan...

Nach der kleinen Stärkung geht es weiter mit einem Highlight im November. Unseren Studio Workshop. 

Kennt ihr das auch? 
Wenn man auf Reisen unterwegs ist, und man möchte das Erlebnis einfangen, weiß aber grad nicht mehr wie die Modi der neuen Kamera funktionieren?

Ja, das kennen wir.
Und wir möchten euch gerne helfen besser mit eurer Kamera die Bilder zu machen die ihr einfangen möchtet!

Um was wird es gehen?

November 9, 2015

Berlin For A Day or Two - Monday Post

Two weeks ago I got this immensly wonderful mail in my inbox. A friend from New York had asked if four five days later I would be around Berlin. It was not my plan till then,but I made it my plan. So I sat on a train for half a day & emerged in Berlin right after his flight arrived. He is one of my dearest chums from way back as I lived for the first time in Italia. It was this season of life when friends told me I should watch Big Bang Theory and I vehemently  resisted because I had all of this in real life right outside my door. Speaking of  sharing a house with approximately thirty computer scientists and engineers. Till now it is one of my favorite times of my life.

 I loved being able to drive up to Berlin and hang out for two days. Have our wonderful conversations, take a stroll around Berlin in fall, make nerd jokes, try craft beer and finally being introduced to lol. Till this past weekend I thought lol is laughing out loud. Turns out I was wrong and this Lol championship is also a good reason to pay Germany a visit.