September 15, 2014

When you are stuck - Monday Post

I checked the parking lot sign again. Not sure it could be trusted. I was just approaching the hilltop farm where the wedding would take place later that Saturday. The sign was pointed at a pasture of green. Of wet, soaked in days-of-rain green. I hesitated but then opted to follow that piece of wood still having in mind all the other times I had not followed signs... So I thought to myself this once I will do the German thing and followed directions. As it turns out it was the worst parking lot decision made in... uhm, forever.
After a bit of trying back and forth I felt the wheels turning without moving an inch and jup... I was stuck. Like literally. In the mud. 

Horror scenarios of the unfolding wedding day where forming in my head. You see, this location was not the only one I had to go to. We would start in the village & then go up to the hills. I was just checking everything out up front. My phone had no reception... naturally...
My head started pacing as I slowly started climbing out of my car. I felt my hands shaking as I walked up the hill. Not a good sign. 
The first guy I came across must have read the desperation in my eyes because he offered to take over immediately. As in subito. I handed him the key to my precious car and he said he would give it a try (bless him!!!) if this would not do it, he would get the tractor. 

This was only the first shocker moment of the day! The wedding was planned as an outdoor wedding and as the ones of you currently in Germany might have guessed, this time Plan B kicked in. As in cozy barn wedding plan B. We - bride, groom, me - in my car. Back up on that hill after the first shooting, now heading to the wedding ceremony. As I entered the ceremony barn only moments before the couple was to follow and found it was not just a little cozy dark it was pitch black in there... I literally wanted to scream a loud and audible **** (fill in whatever you want). Oh hello desperation again. 
I went down the isle with all eyes on me, dropped my bags next to a bale of straw and started bringing out the flashes. Nervously I adjusted the settings and held my breath for what was to come. I mean I use flash and I have exercised a good deal... but only for the party part of the wedding day. Using them spontaneously still makes me a good deal nervous. 

Fast forward to the second portrait session of the day. We were in yet another barn filled with straw and hay. The groom had found a rope and was literally swinging across the barn from one bed of straw to the next. I mean in suit and all!
Oh what a day we had. The bride & I laughed our hineys off as Tarzan leaped for Jane.

This was most certainly a new Saturday adventure of mine. At the end of the day, the ceremony images turned out a lot better than visioned in the adrenaline over kill brain of mine and the car was restored to former glory by the friendly stranger on that hilltop farm.

Do I need to add that the group picture was snapped from a dangerously high stack of straw bale?

Oh and there were cake pops!

This picture was taken near Roma, where I had travelled the week before. 
You know, to escape the rain. 
More from that will come to the Blog.

Have a lovely new week, friends!

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