This one is for all the newbies to the La Rici Blog.
Here are 11 random things and rambling thoughts about me.
* Doris Troy is currently providing the most beautiful soundtrack to my working & editing days at the studio.
* it only took me seven months to finally paint the office wall, since I started full time photography.
* if you give me expensive chocolate, chances are that I will save it for a better / special day and it might go bad. I know, crazy... ( I sound like a post war child)
* my friend Anna had a dream where she and her friends needed chocolate & she just told everybody that under no circumstances are they allowed to snack the good ones in the fridge.
* since we are on saving things. I kept one Jane Austen novel unread so I could enjoy the first time reading the last novel of her for a couple of years.
*the last first last novel I read by her was Northanger Abbey. A sense of listlessness overcame me upon finishing it. What will I ever read again?!?! (just kidding)
* I will be an auntie very soon. I cannot wait for this little Mister to show his face to the world and the wild name guessing will be finally resolved.
* the wall in my office has peach/cream and white stripes. (images are about to come your way)
I realised this involves a lot of food information today... but since we are already on it.
*the careful storage of christmas cookies I have secretly prepared in December is not entirely eaten yet. You are welcome.
* only Italians manage to give a lead role to a 81 year old lady for a perfume ad. And I love them for it! (find the clip here, you might laugh.)
Happy weekend everybody!l!!
Es ist immer so wunderschön etwas über dich zu lesen...und diese Essenssache teilen wir. Ich hab auch noch ein Kilo Plätzchen und ziemlich viel Schoki. Wir sollten uns treffen und zusammen legen. Was auch immer dann passiert. Wir werden sehen. Wenn alles schief geht: Erbsen und Mais sind schnell besorgt <3 Ich vermisse dich unglaublich. Du wirst die beste Tante der Welt ...Mama Viola sieht so wunderhübsch aus. Da will ich gleich auch Mama werden. Ich freue mich schon aufs kleine Würmchen :) Ich hoffe, dass du meine Geburtstagsgrüße erhalten hast, bis bald :-*