March 18, 2016

Life At The Studio

After returning home from the picturesque coast from Portugal, I was at the studio three days this week. We had a couple of fun deliveries of new albums, frames and gorgeous things. Additionally we interviewed three candidates for an internship and possibly an assistant for me.

This was a fun first for me. Honestly, I have never done a proper interview just anywhere and now I am at the opposite side of the sofa. Yes, we have two sofas´and one armchair to make it extra cozy for our client area.
Suddenly I need to ask the questions & estimate from an one hour chat whether I can imagine taking someone to a wedding with me. I think I am improving my people reading skills right here. ;)

When all packages were opened & all albums photographed I returned to this months' largest to do on the list: My new homepage & blog, which is under wild construction. 

Furthermore Jan´s three year old son found our how to tie knots & is currently tying different items to chairs (such as Jan´s foot).

Collection of ideas for the homepage

So much for life at the studio in this moment.

Sunny weekend to ya´ll!

1 comment:

  1. Photography studios are certainly so much fun. You can literally spend hours there without doing anything, just staring at the masterpieces you took, with a cup of tea in your hand.
